Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Decide Who You are Going to Be! Success Principle #3

Written by Jason Shields

Decide who you are going to be and what you want to do. There is a redeeming power that lifts us up and fuels our drive when we make a choice about who we want to become and what we want to accomplish in life. When you make a decision like this, you are no longer the “effect” of circumstances; rather you are the “cause” and the creator. Make that powerful choice. Just decide! From that point on, every obstacle will move out of your way as the Universe responds to your willpower and determination. 

It really is not necessary for you to “wait” until things fall into place. You are who you are going to be right now, at this very moment. Do you want to be an actor? There is an actor within, just waiting to be expressed. Do you want to be a lawyer? You already are, you just have to learn the aspects of that calling and express them. Clients often ask me “Jason, what is my calling?” to which I reply, “Your calling is what you decide it to be!” Yes, I believe that there is a Divine Plan to every individual's life, but it is participatory. God doesn't just “call” you to become an engineer, a writer, a personal trainer, etc. God does not “call” you to do anything. God simply reveals your innate desires and talents. You have the final “say-so” in this matter. God is not going to make your life a living hell simply because you fail his/her “calling”. Rather, change the meaning of the word “calling” to longing. You will always have a calling or a longing to be something more than you presently are. It is called progress and evolution.

Day in and day out, I see so many individuals who squelch such wonderful passion and talent, which I call, “God's calling cards”. Every one of us possesses them. These are the seeds of manifesting the life that you were meant to live. You have a Divine right to live the best life you could possibly experience and the way to that life is mapped out within your soul. God merely planted the seeds, but it is your job to nurture them with the water of determination and the sunlight of belief and faith.

Your purpose and passion is usually the thing that you talk about the most and is the easiest for you to learn. A friend of mine is heavily into Nascar and he can tell me every single statistic and fact on every race ever played. When I asked him how he knew so much about the topic, his eyes lit up and he replied “I love racing! I love the excitement and the drama of each race!” What can you spend hours talking or doing while the time flies by? Hidden within that passion lies your calling, the seed. Usually, when a person tells me “I don't know what I want to be or do,” it is an excuse. Down deep inside, they know what they want; they are just afraid to actually say it for fear of failure and ridicule from others. After a few pokes and prods from me, they usually come out and state their dreams. The biggest drawback that almost everyone faces when it comes to pursuing their passion is the fear of not being able to actually do it and achieve it. It is the action that they are afraid of.

If you decide who you are now and you take one action today towards your goal, you will be more than halfway to the Promised Land. Passion is a process, not the destination. Passion is the achievement. Passion is the fuel that drives you to get up in the morning and it is what keeps you awake at night when it is all you can think about doing. Remember that goals are only mile markers along your life, but your passion gives meaning to the entire journey. Always strive for something more each day. Challenge yourself. Learn something new. Strike up a conversation with a stranger and meet someone new. Open yourself to possibilities. Yes, there will be times when you feel rejected, sad, depressed and all you want to do is give up. We have all been there. However, you are here reading this which should tell you that you have not given up and you are holding on to that childlike hope that led you on this journey in the first place.

In reality, you already know who you are and what you are good at doing. Stop waiting for the “right time” and create for yourself the “right moment” now! The power is in your hands! Take action now!


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