Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spirit Photography: The Nature of "Orbs"

Spirit Photography: The Nature of "Orbs"
Written By Jason Shields
The appearance of glowing balls of light to human beings are a means of transportation and communication utilized by angels, ghosts, spirits and spirit guides. Indeed, these benevolent beings may take form as globes of light before fully materializing in our physical dimension. These orbs are themselves an intelligence that can manifest a physical appearance that is most compatible with the level of understanding of each individual witnessing this very common spirit phenomenon.
And these glowing orbs have manifested themselves in outer space. Shortly after his epic solo orbit of planet Earth, Lieutenant Colonel John Glenn interviewed in Life magazine (March 9, 1962) stated that the strangest sight that he experienced during his initial flight into space came when he was crossing the Pacific toward the United States. He was checking the instrument panel during a routine systems check, and when he looked back out the window he thought for a minute that he must have tumbled upside-down and was looking up at a new field of stars. He checked his instruments to be certain that he was right-side-up, and looked again. “There,” Glenn commented, “spread out as far as I could see, were literally thousands of tiny luminous objects that glowed in the black sky like fireflies.” Glenn continued, “I was riding slowly through them, and the sensation was like walking backwards through a pasture where someone had waved a wand and made all the fireflies stop right where they were and glow steadily. They were greenish yellow in color, and they appeared to be about 6 to 10 feet apart. They were all around me, and those nearest the capsule would occasionally move across the window as if I had slightly interrupted their flow. On the next pass I turned the capsule around so that I was looking right into the flow, and though I could see far fewer of them in the light of the rising sun, they were still there. Watching them come toward me, I felt certain they were not caused by anything emanating from the capsule. As far as I know, the true identity of these particles is still a mystery.”
Many times, I am asked by my clients why orbs appear in their photographs. What are they? Why do they show up when they do? When people come into contact with orbs, they are literally viewing what I refer to as “interdimensional beings” commonly known as spirits. Orbs have been catalogued in the annals of spiritual texts and various cultures throughout history. So much so, that the Egyptians called them “sun boats” and the ancient Jews referred to in the Old Testament literature as the “Merkabah”. Even though there are different names for the same phenomena, the meaning remains the same. It is a form of transportation that our loved ones and angels use to patch through to our reality.
Real orbs can be sensed and literally heard. The sound they make is a super-high sonic tone, mainly resonating within the head and ear canals of the witnesses, beyond the range of normal hearing. Orbs can assume many appearances, including various degrees of illumination from bright and glowing to a faded appearance with bare luminosity. There are also different degrees of speeds, velocities and types of orb phenomena. Some are what we call separate life forms or Nature Spirits and Divas such as fairies and gnomes. They are typically seen with a light greenish hue, and typically appear on sunny days where the photonic energy is at its highest. The human spirit or ghost type, as I call it, is normally seen at eye-level to about ceiling height and is often caught on film in graveyards and haunted dwellings. The human spirit type will appear larger than some of the other types of orbs in more of a bluish hue.
Orbs in Photographs
Orbs are seldom viewed by either photographers or subjects until they appear on their digital snapshot or eveloped film. Orbs have appeared mysteriously on the photographs taken inside peoples’ homes during festive celebrations such as birthdays, engagement parties; in churches during spiritual gatherings, such as memorial services; and at cemeteries and haunted houses. While some researchers are quick to claim that orbs are evidence of spirit entities, skeptics are quick to dismiss them as particles of dust, droplets of water, or natural electromagnetic emissions rising from the ground.
Interestingly, when photographing orbs, flash seems to be a requirement to view them whether using film or digital means. However, in rare occasions, a high end multiple CCD (charged coupled device) is a digital video camera that has recorded a multitude of flying orbs in real time. In order to exclude the orbs that result from dust, moisture, raindrops, etc., I recommend that you take several flash pictures back to back. If the orbs are the result of a natural phenomena as those listed above, the first photo may reveal many unexplained objects floating in the air, however there will be fewer in the second, and more than likely none in the third photograph.
True orbs tend to dart away from the flash. The flash from the flashbulb can over charge them with photonic energy, it can also reveal them, or affects them at high velocities. Why orbs? Orbs are circular globe-like structures. Physicists have revealed that photons and other electromagnetic forms of energy travel in curvy waves which, when imposed on each other form a circle. Take light, for example. When you turn on a lamp in a darkened room, the time it takes for the light to hit your eyes is within milliseconds. If you were to view the light waves slow motion, you would see the billions of tiny photons, circular in form, waving up and down in the space between you and the lamp. This is how they travel through air and other mediums.
When we cross over to Heaven, we are light beings; our neural energy patterns are released from the brain in the form of high gamma frequencies. These frequencies are non-detectable by the human eye. However, when angels or our loved ones come to visit us in our lower three-dimensional world, they must slow down their vibrations. As these vibrations are lowered, they take on more of a condensed, spherical shape. As a psychic and a medium, I am sometimes able to see my clients’ auras. The emanations can appear in all kinds of brilliant colors according to their thoughts and feelings at the given moment.
On a bright sunny day, I love to visit the parks or stroll down the boardwalks where there are a lot of people present. I call on my guides and angels to help me “see” the true nature of my fellow humans and the sight is sheer beauty! I don’t see their human bodies; their body forms have completely dissolved into bright auric spheres. These spheres can be anywhere from 1 to 3 meters in diameter. As living, breathing humans, we all have a “sphere” or “orb” of energy that encases our bodies. When we die, and the human body ceases to function, the energy condenses and often, I see the spirit of a recently departed loved one as a sphere no longer than a foot in diameter, hovering over the body or whizzing around their families.
A believe that these orbs are the spirit, the Chi, the Ka, of the person complete with their neural energy patterns and personalities. They are the vehicles by which a spirit can communicate with us in the living world. This is the reason why most people who have been visited by departed loved ones, angels and ghosts see a momentary flash of light first which gets their attention. After the flash of light emanates from the orb, the orb expands to create an image, usually holographic and see-through in nature of the body they once had while living on earth.
So the next time you find orbs on your family photographs, don’t be so quick to dismiss them as reflected light or water droplets. Study the photos and recall when you took them and you will more than likely discover who it was who visited you on that special, divine occasion.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jason,

    A friend took some photos of me at a show in February in Miami and the photos are full of 'orbs'...I keep thinking they were water droplets..maybe not!
