Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Stay Ready and Expect Great Things to Happen: Success Principle #5

Written by Jason Shields

The majority of people who are not achieving their goals or getting the most out of life are not organized and are not in a state of readiness and expectation. Many of us are waiting for something to happen, waiting for the right conditions, waiting for the right person. Instead, we need to focus on the right now. This principle is an outgrowth of Principle 4 – you have to keep working; you have to hustle. If you stay ready you do not have to get ready. When it all boils down to at the end of the day, it is what you do and say and expect that makes you who you are.

In essence, what are you doing each day to bring yourself that much closer to your goal? What actions are you taking? What thoughts are you thinking? What plans are you making? It is vitally important for you to take some action whether big or small toward your dreams. Even if it is sitting down and writing out a list of things you want to experience or creating a vision board where you use colorful pictures in magazines and paste them in a notebook for you to carry with you throughout the day. These images will remind you of what you are working so hard towards. Taking these actions prepares you; it allows you to be in a state of expectation for things to fall into place or at the very least, prepare you to be able to “see” the opportunities when they arise.

Staying ready also requires organization. One of the biggest mistakes people make is remaining in a constant state of disorder. Their homes are a mess; their offices are even worse. Order follows order. In other words, an orderly environment helps a person's mind become more orderly and focused. This may mean taking an entire week, a month for some of us, to go through our closets, desks, drawers, and getting rid of what no longer serves us and organizing what remains. I always feel better after I clean the house or mow the lawn and I do it at least once a week. Call it the Asperger's in me, but I find that when my office is clean and swept, I feel less anxious and more at ease to write without distractions.

In our hectic age, we desire instant results and I must admonish you dear reader: organization does not happen overnight. If you take things one at a time, or a room at a time, a closet at a time, etc., then you WILL get there. Once you are organized, it is important to keep it that way. This is one of my main problems. Yes, my house is clean, but it is so easy for me to allow the junk mail and bill receipts to pile up in one box until it overflows and covers the floor of the office closet. I still have to make myself sit down and go through every receipt and file every bill, transaction, and so forth and it usually takes an entire day if not two! Tax time is even worse, although I have to admit that I have made some strides. If I simply filed things where they should be filed as they came in individually, I wouldn't have to waste a whole day catching up. So, Stay Organized! Stay ready all the while preparing yourself, prepping yourself to move forward into a bright future.

Finally, what you say matters. Ask yourself what words you use daily regarding your future and your goals. Brain science has proven that physically saying what you think positively or negatively physically alters your neuronal connections. You are literally what you say! Speak forth positive and uplifting phrases that propel you forward and in a direction of expectation. This is one of the reasons I am so adamant on having an inspirational quote and affirmation of the month. When you think affirmations such as “I am rich, well and happy now!” these words, even though you may not believe them at the time, prepare your neurons to rewire in new connections. This enables your brain to reflect that belief out into your world. So keep on keeping on and speak what you wish to experience in life.

This concludes our Five Principles of Success. I hope that you have gleaned just as much as I have over the past five weeks in putting these principles to the test. May God bless you to new heights of aspiration and inspiration.


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