Thursday, December 22, 2011

Finding Your Joy in the Darkest Hour

Written by Jason Shields

Many of us are going through a sense of loss at this time of the year. Loved ones pass on; some move away; and others are separated due to petty disagreements and stubborn grudges. It can be one of the most lonely times an individual can experience. However, it does not have to be this way. God loves you. Not the fake God that you have made up for yourself with fear-based belief systems; the real God, the one who knows all about you. The real God wants the real you back.

Are you in a tight place? Can't imagine how all of this is going to work out? You don't need to; God already knows and will take any mess we find ourselves in and will turn it into something brand new and beautiful. True loss happens when you stop listening to God within you. You experience loss when you figure you can decide what is right and what is wrong for yourself and others based on external opinions from traditions and "books" and it leads to a whole lot of trouble. You may have a plan, but God has a better one. When was the last time that you sought out the Heavenly One who resides within you?

If something is going on in your life that you do not understand, think about it. Maybe you are not to understand it fully just yet. Maybe you are not ready for it. There are times when maybe the only thing we have to go on is not what we know, but what we believe on faith. And maybe this is one of those times. It isn't up to us to figure out how everything fits in. It is up to us to deal with it. The way we deal with it is to simply acknowledge that you are a child of God and God will never leave you nor forsake you, especially in your darkest hour or when you think you have really screwed things up. You are the child of a brilliant, intelligent Universe filled with elegance, sophistication and abundance.

Today, we celebrate the shortest day and darkest of nights. The Winter Solstice is always a time of reflection when Nature becomes silent amidst the cold and darkness. This is also a turning point where the Sun begins to brighten and lengthen each day. Nature teaches us that we are never alone; we simply go through cycles - some are lonely while others are filled with joy. Just know that the loneliness will get better and your pain will ease with time. God loves you and He created others on this earth to support you and love you for who you are. Be open to receive them into your life and they will come! Celebrate the Season with all of the Love that is YOU and radiate it out to our majestic earth.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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