Friday, December 2, 2011

What Matters to You Matters

Written by Jason Shields

I love the saying "if it matters to you, it matters." If something is important to you regardless of what others think, say or do, you should hold it close to your heart and nurture it and go with it. It could be a relationship, a goal, or a dream that you've always held on to. Whatever it is, the fact that you deem its importance is good enough. We are so inculcated into believing that others' opinions matter above our own; that somehow, we have to have their approval before we proceed with our goals or dreams. 

I believe that God is within all of us and the love and perserverence that keep you going during the rough and trying times is a testament to God's love and power moving through you. God's desire is the same as your own desire and God wants you to carry out and see it through to its completion. We are a species who are capable of extraordinary things. As humans, we are extremely adaptable to changes as well. Some changes are tougher than others, but just knowing that you have a Power within you that you can call upon is enough to weather the storms of life and get back on solid ground.

We lose sight, however, when the changes and circumstances seem unbearable and it is so easy to fall back on the opinions and approval of others, especially those closest to us. Parents especially, are hard on us and it is usually because they are afraid and insecure about their own lives and it is easier for them to project their fears onto our own. Maybe you have siblings or close friends that you have counted on for their opinions and support. Here's the difference: are you receiving an opinion biased through fear, or are you receiving genuine support from those you love? Therein lies the main difference. Find supportive family members and friends who will stand by you no matter what you decide to do. As for the rest of the fearful bunch, just silently bless them and keep on moving!

It is far better to keep your goals between you and God because what is secret is sacred. Yes, it is wonderful to have loved ones cheer you on, but just make sure that you share your dreams with only a select group of people who will be honest and sincere in their praises and their critiques. God knows you more than anyone on this beautiful planet and if he gave you a persistent dream or a nagging desire, he has also given you the power to see it through to the end. You are wonderfully unique! No one else is like you! You have talents and abilities that only you can share with the world. Once you have realized this powerful truth, you can set anything into motion! To boldly go forth into the unknown future with only your desire, goal and plan in hand is all that is required. God will carry you the rest of the way because the first step you took was the step of faith while listening to His sweet voice. God's voice is always urging you on to become better and to do great things for all beings on earth. When you are down and discouraged, just become silent: listen to winds that blow, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, hear the laughter of children in your neighborhood and know that these are all of God's methods of speaking to your heart.


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